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Volumee-Skip Tracks

Skip tracks without removing your telephone from your pocket!

*** Significant ***

Volume at present DOES NOT WORK on Android 12 when the screen is OFF.

There is a bug in the most current Android - the framework doesn't act as its documentation says.

The issue has been accounted for to Google - they vowed to fix it in the following Android variant - 12.1.

Tragically, there is no workaround for this issue until further notice 😢

At the present time, the best way to keep this application working is to utilize Android 11 or a more seasoned adaptation.


Volume allows you to skip tracks while paying attention to music - simply hold down the volume button.

The application can work both while the screen is here and there. In the inverse to comparable devices, it works accurately no matter what the application that is at present open.

Volume is viable with all music applications, the tune will be avoided in the as of now utilized player. The assistant works behind the scenes, reacting to taps on the volume fastens just while the music is playing. In any case, volume buttons function not surprisingly.

The application utilizes the "Openness administration" to work. It can help the outwardly disabled clients - they can skip tracks in their beloved player without taking a gander at the screen.

No information concerning the utilization of different applications is gathered. The application has no Internet access

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