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HTC 620G Microphone Not Working, HTC Desire EYE Mic Ways Solution

HTC 620G Microphone Not Working
There have been a few reports and issues that are springing up with sound and speaker issues on the HTC One, HTC One XL and HTC Desire, and other HTC gadgets.

With any cell phone gadget, there will be sound issues regardless of the gadget you own. A few issues that you might be experiencing incorporate no sound with earphones speaker, YouTube, games, and the music player.

Fortunately, the fixes are really comparable in all cases, underneath are a few basic and tried advances and fixes that might resolve the no solid and speaker issue.

Sound and Speaker not dealing with HTC Phones - How To Fix
1. Take Off Silent Mode
This one is basic yet ensures the quiet mode isn't on and the sound is turned up, I realize that I have been at real fault for that a couple of times.

2. Embed Then Remove Headphones
This arrangement is by all accounts very fruitful in all cases, so what you need to do is embed your earphones into the earphone jack and afterward pull them back out.

You need to rehash this for around 30 seconds. This is done as in some cases the telephone thinks it is in earphone mode and this ought to kill the error.

3. Clean Headphone Jack and Charging Port
Like the above advance, you need to clean the earphone jack with a cotton fleece bud or a toothbrush, this should eliminate any residue or grime that has aggregated in there.

So assuming there was a lot of soil it very well might be hindering that connector bringing about a terrible association.

4. Restart HTC Phone
Likewise, there might be an error inside the actual gadget so attempt a restart by going into the settings application.

5. Debilitate Beats Audio
Another progression that is by all accounts very effective is going into settings and switching now and again or handicapping the beats sound.

Assuming any of these means or arrangements have fixed your no solid or speaker issue then, at that point, kindly offer what did as it truly makes a difference. Much appreciated!






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