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Repair Oppo A53 CPH2139 LCD Light Not Turning On Display Light Solution 100

Repair Oppo A53 CPH2139 LCD Light Not Turning On // Display Light Solution

0:00 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh Back again with Merapi Flasher here alright this time
0:06 I showed up, the cellphone had been destroyed by my companion, indeed, this is supposed to be a cellphone
0:11 in an express that the screen doesn't seem CPH 2139 Oppo A53 the cellphone is alive yet there is not much
0:24 light yes So for the screen the image appears as though however the light doesn't turn on
0:31 the cellphone is on, the lights don't turn on however the showcase is protected, so it's like that, companions
0:40 ensure companions know ahead of time for the situation with the cellphone, indeed, I'm not
0:47 I observed it for a portrayal of the showcase picture however my companion said this is the image
0:55 it seems as though just the lights are not lit. Alright, then, at that point, we will actually look at first for
1:00 short or not, first utilize a simple multimeter at school one ohm 1:07
Alright, we get 5-10 Ohms and we trade the test, it's quiet, this shows that this cellphone isn't
1:18 short yes and we will check whether it has been destroyed or have we meddled with it yet
1:27 I know that for data, the lights don't show up, yet the image seems as though it resembles
1:35 that is OK, what cellphone is this a53 Oppo a53 has been dismantled the front can be near
1:46 Indeed, the CPU is ok for the LCD attachment and we will attempt to zero in on the light IC, alright?
2:00 so companions can make a point to harm any cellphone, it's for lights and pictures
it's unique, companions, for the light it's the IC driver light, and for the presentation or picture
2:14 It's a different presentation IC. Indeed, I frequently become befuddled. Since that is the thing it's called, it's regularly excessively
2:21 the image doesn't show up, it just so happens, the image is there however the lights are tricky yet for the most part
2:30 The client realizes that it simply doesn't seem that way, so companions, ensure first
on the off chance that the LCD shows up yet, there is no light, it implies the driver light or the light ic
2:46 tricky, while on the off chance that we observe the screen doesn't show up, just dark spaces are generally
2:54 it may be the case that the showcase IC has an issue, it's not the light IC like that, companions. Alright after that
3:02 we dismantle the light driver block, we check to utilize an advanced multimeter, diode scale, or ringer
3:14 Since there is no plan yet for the Oppo a53, this is CPH2139 so we will attempt to really look at the framework
3:26 short first, this is the light driver, the light driver. Generally, companions, if you track down the light ic part
3:33 the parts can measure up to one another, this is utilizing the old Oppo man-eaters, there are
3:42 the light driver has a capacitor, a resistor, and a diode, so 1 square like that regularly happens when
3:51 companions, track down that any cellphone, assuming there is a curl, there will be a huge diode and capacitor
4:02 alongside the 6 pin driver IC, typically it's the light area like that, companions, so I will
4:10 attempt to lift all that I'll attempt to simply change the light driver so without checking
4:20 further, I'm certain I'll attempt to check for the capacitors and windings I think on the off chance that it's protected it's not
4:29 there is a hole, it implies we can zero in on the driver, indeed, however for companions
4:36 know For this driver series, I don't have the foggiest idea yet so I'll simply attempt to contrast I'll attempt with analyze
4:43 utilize the old OPPO series driver regardless of whether it's reasonable, I don't know without a doubt, don't
4:52 until it gets stirred up for the establishment of diodes, since there is a cathode and an anode, companions, don't allow it to occur
5:01 off-base or stirred up and the light driver itself has a point, attempt to do everything right

5:10 accuracy. We'll keep on introducing it. Indeed, similar to this, I attempt to ensure the focuses are without fail
5:20 We need to ensure that point is right since there is no plan. Indeed, we should figure it out first. Where could it be?
5:28 the area of the anode and cathode for the winding I think everything is protected and for the IC light driver
5:37 there is likewise a point that we need to speculate, indeed, for the series, they are unique, so this is my bet
5:45 I will attempt to utilize the old OPPO series light driver IC. We should lift everything first
5:52 ensure you don't make some unacceptable diode establishment, the anode and cathode don't become befuddled
6:07 Alright, then, at that point, after that we will attempt to introduce substitution parts assuming we have a correlation left
6:18 we introduce individually, no compelling reason to stress if the IC series is unique or not since, in such a case that
6:27 think about it very well may be determined that everything is valid, but since of this there is no analyze
6:33 the schematic likewise doesn't exist, so I quickly attempted to bet utilizing the light driver
6:41 old opo series Whether it works or not I additionally don't realize I simply need to attempt to video it
6:48 I want to believe that you can add knowledge, companions, for the establishment of the light driver, ensure
6:57 the winding is no issue not broken for the capacitor nor is it short so use
7:04 a computerized strategy like this, we interface the red diode and bell test to the ground test
7:10 We don't quantify dark, we don't need to observe it spilling, it implies establishing on the two sides
7:21 for the capacitor, so if we can ensure every one of the deterrents shows up, it implies there are none
7:29 Further issues, we check in the VBatt area whether there is development on one of these sides
7:36 it's protected to trade 5-10 ohms, it doesn't move, it implies that the VBatt line is protected, yes or not
7:44 short and we will attempt it now. Is it by contrasting and my Oppo A53 cellphone substitution?
7:53 love the showcase Eh, why my presentation give the old series OPPO light driver it didn't work
companions, incidentally, the cellphone is for sure alive however I haven't observed the lights working yet

8:10 live so after supplanting all parts, if it doesn't work, we attempt to trade it
8:18 for the winding and driver, since this is the curl, I utilize the old series winding. That implies
8:25 too huge so I'll attempt to observe a curl that is a little more modest in size
8:40 I observed a loop near the power IC, this man-eater cellphone is an Oppo R831K cellphone
8:49 Indeed, I think this is an old series OPPO cellphone, I'm attempting to check it utilizing a simple multimeter

8:56 The scale times one Ohm moves, demonstrating that the winding is protected and doesn't break so after this we
9:04 I'll attempt to append the loop. Are there any inward obstructions on the two sides, I believe it's protected, everybody?
9:13 shows there is an obstruction on each side for the twisting part for the capacitor additionally not
9:19 I likewise break the diode part, I believe it's working appropriately, indeed, it's forward voltage and voltage
9:28 switch it's a diode like that for the anode and cathode companions, make a point not to become confounded
9:34 presently I attempt to supplant the curl. Regardless of whether after this it works I likewise don't have the foggiest idea
9:42 I have not checked for the stockpile voltage segment for the 4.2-volt area for the VBatt or for the inventory
9:54 I additionally don't have a clue about this result, there is no correlation from the Oppo
A53, there is no schematic all things considered
10:02 So the framework is very much like this, I think for companions, assuming you track down the lights, it's required
10:11 shine on the light IC, the light driver IC OK, I checked, no short was recognized, we will
10:21 attempt to check the VBatt segment once more, whether a short is identified after changing the winding, it isn't recognized short
10:29 I additionally believe it's protected on the off chance that it worked this time, so for the curl, I substituted it for the driver as well
10:37 I supplanted it and it turns out its still Zonk, it hasn't worked out OK if it resembles this it implies
10:46 we will attempt to utilize the old light driver, would we be able to in any case utilize the new light driver?
10:56 long in the wake of supplanting the diode, the winding capacitor, and the little resistor, so I got 1 square

11:04 I have additionally supplanted the windings, I have ensured for the diodes, I have likewise ensured for the anodes and
11:12 safe cathode Now we will attempt to supplant it actually utilizing the old light driver I think If
11:22 after this doesn't work, it implies that you should utilize one kind of light driver IC, one sort of one
11:32 series Okay, we should check again whether there are parts that are short or spilling, I ensure toward the start
11:40 each time you supplant parts, companions, look at it, don't be thoughtless to actually take a look at the stream
11:47 the obstruction is spilling or not, it's better assuming that we check it before we stream the current So
11:57 try not to allow it to be recognized short after we turn it on like that companions
12:01 Bismillah, how about we attempt to live and Alhamdulillah it's lit, so this is doubtlessly an issue
12:13 it's in the winding or diode, the issue is I've supplanted it utilizing
12:20 The old OPPO series light driver didn't turn on, perhaps it's unique
12:27 series and incidentally, the old light driver is still great, so the chance of harm is in
12:36 the diode or winding area since I didn't check for the inventory segment so I went directly to it
12:44 How about we just run it like that, we should check for splendor and differentiation, indeed, it's programmed, I have to take a hard pass
12:53 there is an issue so companions who don't have a schematic or look at can utilize
13:00 along these lines, without a doubt, don't get confounded in the diode or light driver
The IMEI is protected, the Oppo A53 base band adaptation is likewise no issue, I believe it's protected
We can ensure the cellphone is on, the lights are additionally no issue OK, we'll attempt
check again we turn on the Oppo A53 series with what sort of substitution this is, the substitution of the loop and
diodes ideally this instructional exercise is helpful, anticipate the instructional exercise
We are straightaway, wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, amazing

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