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HTC One M8 M9 Speaker Problem Low Volume Crackling Rattling Sounds

HTC One M8 M9 Speaker Problem
Today we will be taking a gander at an HTC One M8 speaker issue where you are disliking your speakers which might incorporate extremely low volume, shaking sounds, popping or breaking sounds coming from the speakers, and influencing the general sound quality from the gadget.

This can influence the HTC one M8 and the HTC One M9 gadgets or other comparable planned HTC phones. Even on the off chance that you don't have an HTC based gadget and you have a speaker barbecue with openings on your telephone a similar issue could happen and this fix could be in any casework for you.

the speaker issue is being brought about by the soil, residue, or grime getting into the speaker barbecue openings on the facade of the telephone that you can find at the top and underneath the presentation on account of the HTC M8, M9, and other HTC gadgets, these openings permit sound to come from the speakers and when they are impeded you will get the low solid, snapping or popping issues with your speakers.

To fix this issue the simplest method for disposing of the soil or grime from the speaker barbecue without opening the gadget is to:

1. Get a toothbrush and immovably use it to rub the barbecue of your HTC gadget, the fibers on the toothbrush will unclog the speaker barbecue openings.

2. Once in a while quit cleaning with the brush and immovably tap the telephone in your grasp to cause any residue particles released by the brush to fall off.

3. Additionally utilize canned air or a type of air duster to blow into the barbecues which will assist with eliminating dust particles that are stopped in the barbecue, Also note on the off chance that you don't have canned air just blowing into the barbecues vigorously will help.

4. To test essentially play a tune and as you clean you will actually want to hear the impact of your cleaning and confirm the impact of your cleaning as you rehash the means above as required.

The gadget is fixed when the volume gets clear and noisy as when it was working appropriately and you are not hearing any breaking or shaking sounds. The option in contrast to this simple fix is to open the telephone and clean the speaker barbecue physically assuming you know what you are doing yet this technique is simple enough that anyone can do it without any problem.

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